Thirty Day Challenge-How To Learn To Make Money Online For Free!

December 11, 2009

Just wanted to let people know about a way to begin the learning process for making money online.   Having been affected by the economy nearly 10 months ago, I ended up online looking for ways to make money or at least to begin to learn how to make money.  Because of my situation, I had a few dollars to spend but not more than that and had I known about Thirty Day Challenge, I would have started with that program first. 

Having started a business, I knew that there were risks involved but that they could be minimized if I took the right steps, so starting with a program requiring no money makes the most sense, at least until you know if you will like working online and can deal with working from home.

Thirty Day Challenge is a program that walks you through the basics of marketing online.  It may seem fairly straight forward, but there are a number of ins and outs that, if you are aware of them, will save you time and money in the long run.  This is a detailed program that teaches the basic concept of online marketing, shows you were to get products for free, how to choose them, how to write articles, how to market and the best places to post your marketing. 

It takes you through how to set up your own website, how to maintain it, how to monotize it, how to rank in Google and much more.  It also gives you options other than article marketing, if that isn’t something that works for you. 

You can:

  •  own your own online store
  • set up your own blog
  • develope your own product to sell. 

There are many options for making money online and Thirty Day Challenge gives you a great knowledge base to start from and be successful.

Again, this program is free and you are able to start making money online with no money out of your pocket.  Just realize that you are starting a business, that there is a learning curve and that it will take time.  If you are commited and put the time in, you will be in a different place this time next year.

For more information visit:     Thirty Day Challenge

For those that are looking for a more traditional job, check out Legit Online Jobs.  This program does cost some money but contains a list of over 10,000 jobs that you can sift through to find the one or two that work for you.  It has 24/7 live support if you have questions and a money back guarantee.  It’s something that opened my eyes as far as what’s is actually out there for the average person to begin to make money online.

A Quick Review of One Week Marketing

August 26, 2009

One week marketing action plan

I had signed up for lots and lots of “free reports” which were all good and gave me bits of information that were helpful but nothing ever helped me put everything together. Once I read through the materials, it finally made sense! This One Week Marketing plan will make the confusing internet marketing world much clearer. Commit to it week by week and you will be in a different place by next year.

The One Week Marketing Guide is full of information that makes sense and can be accomplished by an average person that is willing to put some time into learning and working. You can do it all in one week or spread it out over the month, either way you will be further ahead of the game than you are right now.

PotPieGirl will lay out exactly what you need to do each day to create niche marketing campaigns that will produce extra income for you. A few dollars for the movies or a full time income to replace your job…it’s totally up to you. Most people realize that starting a new job or business takes time, training and work. One Week Marketing is a very realistic program and one that is working for many people.

One Week Marketing Plan Will Teach Your How to Set Up One Campaign A Week!

Don’t know anything about marketing? Doesn’t matter! This one week marketing plan is laid out so well clapping handsthat there is nothing to worry about. Other than some basic computer knowledge and a little information about the internet, you really don’t need anything other than this one week marketing plan. And if there are some things that you don’t know, PotPieGirl has excellent training and education sites to use for free.

She really has taken care of everything that usually gets in the way of the typical internet marketer. The one thing that you are responsible for is the committment! It will take time to learn and build your business and if you stick with it, you will end up with so much more than you realize.

Bonus Packets That Come With One Week Marketing

PotPieGirl has given you all of the basics to find a niche and a product, research it and set up a campaign and then market it in one weeks’ time. Simple and effective! Here’s what you get!

One Week Marketing Guide
Action Plan
Conversation with Nick
Mind Maps
One Week Marketing Checklists

The most eye opening, for me, was the Conversation with Nick. PotPieGirl wanted to make sure that her system would work BEFORE she recommended it to others, so she found a guinea pig. Nick, who knew a little about the internet, went from working for a year with no success to making a sale in the first few days with this program.
One week-conv with Nick
He had all the ingredients but not an effective plan, similar to many people struggling on the internet today.

All Free Methods With One Week Marketing!My Online Income System, or The Thirty Day Challenge (Free)) and then progress to One Week Marketing. She also has some great training sites that are free as well to help with One Week Marketing once you begin.

Spent too much money trying the next best thing? Join the club! There are so many things for free on the web that I just refused to pay for anything else. I wanted someway to find and implement this stuff for FREE. One Week Mind Maps

One Week Marketing does just that. All free methods to find, set up and advertise products on the internet! Can’t ask for any better than that considering you are essentially starting your own business.

There are many, many pros to this program. The system is solid and it works. You just need to commit the time.

If there were a negative, I would say that it is not made for the beginner to internet marketing. There are some basic things you need to know about your computer, sites like Squidoo, Ezine and a few others. It would be helpful to start with a program for the basics (one suggestion would be My Online Income System, or The Thirty Day Challenge (Free)), first and then move to One Week Marketing.

Mind-Set of A Business Person

Tips Before You Start

Capitalize on All of The Stuff!

Passive Internet Income – Three Key Approaches To Ensure Your Own Passive Internet Income!

August 19, 2009

With all of the economic changes and challenges, more and more people are surfing the internet to try and find a realistic way to make a little extra money.   Having more than one source of income is always a good idea and, in recent years, has become a necessity for many families.   The great thing about the internet and starting a business online is that you can realistically turn it into a passive internet income!   Having the right-mind set is the first step.

Create The Right Mind-Set to Attain Your Passive Internet Income!

1)   Approach it like a business!  Too often people jump online and expect incredible results without much, if any, work.   Businesses take time and effort to begin, build and make stable.   Internet businesses are the exact same and passive internet income requires additional effort. Be realistic! Making thousands of dollars does not happen overnight.

2)   Do your research!   Any solid income source requires that you create and follow a plan and that means you need to research the industry, the most common mistakes and the general amount of time and money required.   Creating a passive internet income is very possible, but you need to do enough research so that you can make informed decisions.

3)   Check out the forums!   Most businesses on the internet have a forum or some variation of it so that average people are able to pose questions.   Forums are a wealth of information directly from people that have utilized the program or business that you might be looking at.   Many of these people have already created some form of passive internet income and would be very knowledgeable about the many potential pitfalls and also the keys to success.

Creating a passive internet income will take some time but it won’t take 30 years.   Start now, so that within a year or two you are getting checks every month from the work that you did the year before. It is possible…but not without time and effort. Save yourself time and money by following these tips.

Don’t waste another day…another week or…another month.

Still kicking myself for letting my fears of starting something completely new and my lack of knowledge about the internet keep me from starting for nearly eight months!   My life would be very different now if I had not waited so long!

I, personally, needed a program that was designed for beginners and that would accommodate my limited knowledge and even more limited finances. I couldn’t be more pleased with my choice.   Take the time and check out

You will not be wasting your time. Each program has step-by-step instructions, a money back guarantee and outstanding support.

“Legit Online Jobs Review”

July 28, 2009

Helping You Decide With A “Legit Online Jobs” Review?

Legit Online Jobs is just one of the many programs out there that shows you how to make money online.
Legit Online Jobs, however, is different, in that it teaches you how to begin building relationships with large corporations by being an independent contractor or an hourly data entry employee. The uniqueness of the extent of the jobs listings included is the main reason for this Legit Online Jobs Review.

One of the options listed in this program is becoming an independent contractor who works from home, although you are still self-employed and running your own business.  Getting paid to write short articles and text ads for corporations or individuals, writing product reviews or becoming a virtual assistant are just three of the industries to choose from.

The key is to find the companies that best suit your likes and interests.onlinefriends

The Internet Is Creating Rapid Change! And there are Thousands of Computer Jobs At Home!

How many times have you purchased something on the internet?

Has the number of times you’ve purchased increased in the last year?

We are all part of a movement that is changing the way businesses and consumers operate.


More and more people are shopping and purchasing online today and these large corporations are just being smart about their bottom line. Thus, creating a great opportunity for any one that is looking to make an online income by looking for legit online jobs.

One of the terms used to describe this is Telecommuting, which just means that your commute is being replaced with a telecommunications link.  Companies no longer have to supply office space and individuals are able to have the flexibility they need while saving time and commuting money.  Win-win for both sides.

To get started finding your perfect legtit online jobs go to Legit Online Jobs


With the increasing popularity of Twitter, MySpace, Facebook and all the other social networking sites, it would be safe to assume that businesses and entrepreneurs will be taking advantage of this emerging market as well.

This would be the largest consumer change that I have seen recently. Companies are adjusting to this change, so wouldn’t it make sense that you did too? Legit Online Jobs will walk you through the numerous legit online jobs out there and help you find the ones that will pay you the most and help you choose the ones that would be the best fit for you.

Legit Online Jobs

A Quick Overview of Just One of The Many Computer Jobs at Home.

You can start minutes after signing up.

The process is simple:
–Sign Up
–Select Companies
–Post Your First Ad or Apply To The Job You Selected

Don’t think you can do it?

Legit Online Jobs offers:
Wooden Man excited










–24/7 phone support
–video guides and image tutorials
–members area to chat and ask questions
–100% money back guarnatee

The Best Part of This Legit Online Jobs Review – You Get to Choose!

Choose the Companies That Fit Best Your Interests!

Many people, when they start looking online, get frustrated with the “selling” aspect because they are uncomfortable selling or writing about something that they don’t know about or are not interested in. Reminds them of a job.
Legit Online Jobs with over 1000 different companies to work with, allows you to choose those companies that most closely represent your interests. It is, therefore, much easier for the new person looking at creating a legit online job.


Having spent some time looking for legit online jobs in the form of data entry that I could do from home, I was surprised at how many differnet listings there actually were.  Within one hour of searching, I had found two listings that fit my guidelines. I really thought it would be more difficult!

Legit Online Jobs Review – Truely Residual Income

With Legit Online Jobs you will soon come to appreciate the true nature of residual income. It’s like having more that one computer working for you. Although you still need to put in some time after you have built up your business, the opportunity is there to create residual income.

If you are the point of needing to make extra money and would prefer to work from home, writing ads is a realistic way to make extra money online. Take the time to visit, or review the home page at Legit Online Jobs.

It’s never too late to begin creating your own future! Don’t waste as much time as I did!


Four Steps Before Beginning

One Additional Income Source

10 Ideas For Your Home Based Business

Mind Set – Part 2

June 27, 2009

workman thinkingHome Based Business?  Why Are There Different Expectations?

This is a phenomena that is difficult to explain.  I own my own business and many times people give me an unusual look when they ask what I am doing on the weekend and I respond that I’ll probably be working.  This is not always because I have to, but rather because of the schedule that I have chosen or the continuity of a project.  There are times that I need to work to maintain customer service but most of the time I schedule a few hours on the weekend to either catch up or get ahead so that the next week is free to do others things while most people are at work. 

This saves me times and money.  Less waiting, less traffic, fewer headaches.   You'll never get to work on timeAs a business owner, time is money and the less time I waste the more time I can spend making money.  This is especially true of a home based business.

 Treat the time that you put in building your business as if you had a boss and there where requirements.  When starting out in an industry, you usually work your way up as your knowledge and expertise grows.  Building a career takes many years, and usually lots of money, while you get an education, get the two to five years of experience required and then begin climbing that ladder.  It all takes time, and yet, when people start their own business, the expectations rise to a point that are completely unrealistic. 
 computer with dog

A home based business is no different than traditional business.  Many people expect money in the first few days or weeks, without actually putting in any serious effort, ever getting far enough into it to get to the point of frustration or taking any  personal or financial risk.  If you compare it to traditional business, every time you interview for a job, you take risk and sometimes experience a setback.  When you get passed over for that promotion, get laid off or fired, these are all setbacks that you learn how to overcome.  The same goes for any business including an internet business, because it is still a business and must be treated as such.
If you are seriously considering an online home based business, then start by thinking everything through first. InternetSeriousBusiness horse

Take it seriously from the beginning and you will be so much further ahead and will eliminate some of the frustration.  Set you goals, in writing, list what it is that you will give up (how much time and money) and also how long you will put your effort into it.  Be realistic, getting and education and a job take years not months, so will a home based business  Of the opportunities out there, computer based businesses are the cheapest and simplest.  And considering that the internet is becoming the main form of communication, it would be a very smart move to begin building you online home based business right now.

 Whether you are looking for a beginning course that will teach the very basics, My Online Income System or an intermediate course, One Week Marketing, it would be worth your time if you visited to get an overview of some realistic programs to help you make your decision.  I know you won’t be disappointed.

A Simple Review of My Online Income System

June 27, 2009
My Online Income System - One That Works

My Online Income System - One That Works

The goal was to find a program that would work for students with very little knowledge about the internet.  People that needed a “click here” then “click there” kind of tutorial or plan.  Laughing?  It’s scary how many people I could name that know VERY little about their computer and even less about the internet.  Realistically, there are many, many people out there that would like to make money on the internet but feel completely overwhelmed.  Thus, the main goal in reviewing these programs.  To educate people so that they can be more comfortable with their decision about a particular program and not waste money on something that would work but maybe is not at all interesting to them.

 Just a little on affiliate marketing first.  Corporations are now, instead of putting up billboards, running commercials or using mailings, are paying people to be affiliates.  Most of them work at home.  For instance, Wal-mart has an affiliate program.  You can sign up for free and then market any product you like and when someone is referred to Wal-mart from your marketing you get the commission.  Many corporations are using affiliates so you can choose to market with a company that is suited to your interests.  It’s definitely something to get excited about.

A Very Long Two Weeks!

A Very Long Two Weeks!

After two weeks of searching, I came across a program, My Online Income System, that didn’t promise you the world and didn’t use too much hype in the sales page.  Compared to most that I had seen, this was something a little different.  And…I couldn’t find any kind of negative review about the program.

 After purchasing it for very little, considering it’s a business and a training course, I dove in and started the 60 day action plan that My Online Income System offered.  It starts with information about internet and affiliate marketing and then takes you through, one step at a time, and shows you where to find products, get a free website and then shows you where and how to find free marketing tools. 
With “click here” kind of language, it takes you  through each phase of setting up a website, choosing products,  learning how to market them and then tracking and expanding.  This program will give you enough training and information to set up additional sites that might be more suited to your interests.  And the most helpful thing for a new person is that it is very logical and well explained throughout the program.  Kimberley Hoffman and My Online Income System has put out a good product that is getting results.

 Customer support seems to be the thing that makes or breaks a program.  My Online Income System has a member forum and excellent support.  Any email question I submitted was answered within 24 hours.  Also helpful were the additional reading materials and links to more information.  This expanded my knowledge so that more of the information in My Online Income System made sense.  Thus, I kept moving faster and faster through the action plan.

 There is also a My Online Income System 2, which will teach you about another way to make money with affiliate marketing.  If you choose to do this, you will be adding a second income stream to your first.  Also there is a 60 day money back guarantee if you decide that this is not for you.  The aim is to make you as successful as you want to be.

Nothing to Loose

Nothing to Loose

If I had to name one thing that I was missing from My Online Income System, it would be a little more instruction on basic computer stuff.  For instance, how to cut and paste, how to download, how to link, etc.  Realizing that this was not Kimberely’s responsibility nor her intention, I struggled through and got help where I could (ie. Geek Squad).  It all worked out and I think I’m probably further ahead because a large part of business and being self-employed is being resourceful and more independent than most other people.

 If you are looking for something that will educate you about the internet, supply loads of information and an action plan that is well thought out and updated regularly, this program would be a great place to start. 
 Once you get through My Online Income System you will have a good handle on the basics of internet marketing and from there it really depends on you and your willingness to work.  I don’t see why anyone could not make this program work.  I am a living testament to that because I started with absolutely no knowledge about my computer or the internet.  I walked through the program and am now setting up my second website.  One for my first business of drywall contracting.  Never thought I would be able to do that myself.

Never Thought I Could Do It!

Never Thought I Could Do It!



If you’re interested, check out this program or…if you are looking for  something a little more advanced then please visit this site and check out One Week Marketing.


June 22, 2009
Take Advantage of it Now!

Take Advantage of it Now!

Most people at one time or another have thougth about owning their own business.  However, something always seems to stop them.  Whether it be the unsteady paychecks, the time committment, the potential outlay of cash or just not knowing what you want to do…something makes peope hesitate.

     One of the toughtest things about starting and running a businesss is trusting yourself.  Trusting that you did your homework and won’t get burned, that you are smart enough to handle it, logical enough to put a business plan together and notice when things need to be changed, that you choose the right people to work with and finally to manage the financial portion of the business.  There is a lot at stake when you start a business.  But you can overcome all these things with knowledge.  People say that knowledge is power…but only when it’s put into action.

    The internet allows tons of information to flow to and from people all over the world.  A good portion of this information is digital.  That means there are no store fronts to insure, no sidewalks to maintain, employees to worry about, merchandise to handle, and, in general, a lot fewer headaches to deal with.  That’s why so many people are choosing to learn how to start an internet business where, previously, they just decided that a home based business was too much hassle and too overwhelming.

Think Globally

Think Globally

     Starting and running a business is not easy, but it is simple.  Meaning that anyone can figure it out and learn it but not everyone has the perserverence to work at it and deal with all of the potential frustrations.  Most people give up.  You must be realistic about and ready for the amount of time and effort that it requires.  What most people do not realize is that anyone who makes 100K a year also puts in the extra time in return.  They work more than just their 40 hours a week.. they spend time outside of their job hours planning and thinking about their job and how they might do it better or faster.  If you have doubts, find 10 people that make 100K+ and ask them how much they actually work each week, and how much they worked when they started.  Your eyes will be opened.

     This is not to deter you in any way but to make you aware of the requriements of starting and maintaining ANY business.  By educating yourserlf upfront you, will eliminate much of the frustration at the beginning.  Please realize that creating a steady income does not happen over night.  It takes time to plan, set up and accomplish.  Most people that have “made it” will, if they are being honest, tell you that their success took some time and a lot of effort with many bumps in the road.  They will not tell you that “get rich quick” exists at all.

     Most businesses are a journey.  It takes years to change your thinking, your behavior, expand your knowledge and to train yourself to DO consistently.  There are no shortcuts and there  are many online resources and seminars that you can attend to teach you different ways to create a substantial income.  I’ve attended a number of them and have learned many usefull bits of information that have helped me be successful with my endeavors, but it has definately been a journey.  Nearly all of the “experts” that speak have related their stories of losing everything and/or starting from nothing.  Each person needs to find there own motivation.  You need to find yours!

Begin Your Journey Now

Begin Your Journey Now

     Building a strong business income that you can retire on is possible…but it will take time.  How much time?  Depends on you.  Start now, devote as much time as allowed by your busy life and realize that in one year you will be far ahead of where you are now  and ahead of everyone else that told you it just was’nt possible.  There will many that say this…but it’s just one of the bumps.  Your success depends on you ignoring and overcoming those criticisms.  It is possible and anyone can do it…if you choose.  Decide for yoursefl, make the commitment and GET STARTED!



Beginning Level

My Online Income System

For a more comprehensive review please visit


June 22, 2009
The Road Less Travelled

The Road Less Travelled

  Wouldn’t it be great to just get good, solid information up front without all of the hyped up and irrelavent stuff?    This site is dedicated to educating people about home based businesses.  Outlining good information and eliminating fear will allow people to make an informed decision about starting, building and being successful with a home based business, specifically related to the internet.
 We will introduce and review many different business opportunities that are being used with success today.  We will outline the steps necessary for success with any business and the most common mistakes make by new home based business owners.  Now is the time to gather information so that you can take a serious look at how to start an internet business, how to build it correctly, know what to expect and what not to expect, stabilize your business and become highly successful with it.  Then at some point you might decide to turn around and help those that are just beginning to build their home based business as well.
 Although starting an internet home based business is one of the simplest and least risky businesses to start, that does not mean that it is easy.  Right now there are plenty of business plans out there that will teach you how to start, give you a solid plan to work and some that will show you how to do it with little or no money.  That’s if you can get through all of the get rich quick schemes.  This site will help you do that by reviewing programs that are launched and giving you honest reviews of each home based business opportunity.

The first step is to change your thinking process.  Take a quick look at this and see if your are ready to begin.

 Also, read more about a few programs that will get you started with your online income today by visiting